Taroom is a picturesque country town situated on the Dawson River. It lies halfway along the Leichhardt Highway, the most direct route to the Capricorn Coast from Goondiwindi. Taroom offers visitors many outdoor activities. There is a river walk from the caravan park, and Gilbert’s Lookout is a must for a wonderful vista of the town, river and surrounding countryside. Golf, lawn bowls, tennis, horse racing and polocrosse are offered throughout the year. The agricultural show is held on the first weekend in May, with rodeos and camp drafts also held throughout the year. Visitors enjoy fishing on the Dawson River and at Glebe Weir, a popular boating and camping spot where a fishing competition is held each Queen’s Birthday weekend. Several parks in the area provide the traveller with an array of wonderful experiences. The Lake Murphy Conservation Park has camping and a picnic ground, and the road in passes an area abundant with Livistona palms, which are unique to this area. Expedition National Park has the spectacular ‘cattle dip’ – a permanent waterhole in the gorge, steep sandstone cliffs 100 metres high, Aboriginal cultural sites and marked walking tracks. Isla Gorge National Park is renowned for its bushwalking and panoramic views.
Visitors to Taroom can find short-term parking at the Lions Park, cnr Leichhardt Hwy & Hutton St. There is no fee to stay here, and parking is limited to 48 hours. A dump point is located at Taroom Council Depot Yards, 4 Wolsey Street, and potable water is obtainable at the showground, located in Cranmer Street.
So come, stay, and enjoy the history and natural treasures while experiencing the laid-back lifestyle, open roads and the bush.
Tourist/Visitor Centre
Taroom District Development Assoc Inc, 10 Yaldwyn St, Taroom QLD
Ph: 07 4628 6113
Casual Parking
Lions Park, cnr Leichhardt Hwy & Hutton St; Dawson Street; Miller Street (Near Info Centre)
Short Term Parking
Lions Park, cnr Leichhardt Hwy & Hutton St, (48hr), no fee
Long Term Parking
Lake Murphy, Glebe Weir & Isla Gorge
Dump Point
Taroom Council Depot Yards, 4 Wolsey St
Potable Water
Showground, Cranmer St
Miller St, Ph: 07 4628 9900
Doctors Surgery
Miller St, Ph: 07 4628 9942
Yaldwyn St, Ph: 07 4627 3135
IGA, Yaldwyn St, Ph: 07 4627 3322; Foodworks, 40 Yaldwyn St, Ph: 07 4628 6360