Nanango is the fourth oldest town in Queensland and is situated 190kms north-west of Brisbane. The town is rich in history, and this is evident in the many buildings still standing today, including the Butter Factory building and the Nanango Court House. The area was established on the timber industry, in particular red cedar. The centre of town features many sculptures and murals depicting Nanango’s timber felling past.
Those visiting the area can find casual parking at the Scott carpark and RSL Club carpark, both of which are located in Henry Street. Short-term parking, free of charge and up to 20 hours can be found at Tipperary Flat on the D’Aguilar Highway, and a dump point is also situated at this location. Potable water is available at the corner of Brisbane and Drayton Streets.
There is so much to do when visiting Nanango, and the visitor information located in Henry Street is a great place to start. There are plenty of events held in Nanango throughout the year, such as the Country Music Festival, the Nanango Show, Campdraft and the Medieval Festival.
Tourist/Visitor Information Centre
South Burnett Energy & Information Centre 41 Henry St
Ph: 07 4189 9100
Casual Parking
Scott carpark, Henry St & RSL Club carpark, Henry St
Short Term Parking
Tipperary Flat, D’Aguilar Hwy, 20hrs, pets on lead, m/coverage, bins, tlts, c/seat, BBQ, water, nil charge
Dump Point
Tipperary Flat, D’Aguilar Hwy Lat: -26.6800 Long: 151.9963
Potable Water
Cnr Brisbane & Drayton Sts,
135 Brisbane St, Nanango 07 4171 6700
Doctors Surgery
Dr F Morgan 07 4163 1777 Dr Robinson 07 4163 1203 Drayton St Medical Centre 07 4171 0711
Dr David Kenny 07 4163 1166
Nanango Pharmacy, 86 Drayton St 07 4163 1257 Pharmacy Essential, 58 Fitzroy St 07 4163 1631
IGA, 62 Fitzroy St 07 4163 1504