'Locky’, as the locals affectionately term their town, is a small tight knit dairy farming community, located 198km north of Melbourne. The town was named in the 20th century after William Lockington, a prominent Jesuit Priest within the community. Today, Lockington has one pub, one school, three churches and a small selection of shops.
Casual parking is available in all main streets, with short and long-term parking at Lockington Travellers Rest, corner of Lockington and Pannoo Roads. There is a negotiable stay limit with a donation of $10 per vehicle per night for an unpowered site and $15 for a powered site. The dump point is also located at Lockington Travellers Rest and potable water is available at the Lions Park lawn area in Lockington Road.
Lockington is the perfect base for travellers when they require a well needed rest. There are walking tracks along the irrigation channel network which features the ‘Loch Ness’ yabby, a giant crustacean which can be pulled from the channel, and like many country towns, the pub is the heart of the community with traditional home cooked meals and friendly atmosphere.
Tourist/Visitor Information Centre
Lockington District Business Centre
9-11 Lockington Rd, Lockington VIC
Ph 03 5486 2683
Casual Parking
All main streets in Lockington
Short & Long Term Parking
Lockington Travellers Rest, Lockington Rd & Pannoo Rd,donation of $10 pvpn, unpwr; $15 pvpn pwr. Neg stay limit, pets on lead, mobile coverage, shwrs, pwr, bins, BBQ, tlts, water, c/seating
Dump Point
Lockington Travellers Rest, Lockington Rd & Pannoo Rd
Potable Water
Lions Park lawn area, Lockington Rd
Doctors Surgery
Clinic open Tuesdays & Thursdays, Pannoo Rd, 03 5486 2544
Pentreaths Foodworks, Lockington Rd, 03 5486 2200